Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Lapaproscopic Methodology For Weight Loss

What is laparoscopic surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery is for people who are severely overweight. Laparoscopy involves using a specialized telescope (laparoscope) to view the stomach, which typically allows smaller abdominal incisions. This article will explain:

• What is severe obesity?
• Medical and surgical treatment options for severe obesity
• What is the procedure of the surgery?
• Who should be considered for the surgery?
• What can be expected after laparoscopic obesity surgery?

What is severe obesity?

Severe obesity, sometimes known as "morbid obesity" is defined as being approximately 45.5 kg (100 pound) or 100% above ideal body weight. This condition is related with the progress of life-threatening complications such as hypertension, diabetes and coronary artery disease etc.

What causes severe obesity?
There are probably many factors causing obesity. In obese persons, the set point of stored energy is too high. Extreme fatness is most likely a result of a mixture of genetic, psychosocial, environmental, social and cultural influences that interrelate resulting in the composite disorder of both desire for food regulation and energy metabolism.

What is the procedure of the surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery also discussed as minimally invasive surgery. The surgical procedure makes use of a video camera and several thin instruments. During the surgical operation a small cut of up to half an inch are made and plastic tubes called ports are placed through these cuts. The camera and the tools are then introduced through the ports which permit access to the inside of the patient.

The camera conveys images of the organs inside the abdomen to a television monitor. The doctor is not able to see directly into the patient without the traditional large incision.
Robot assisted surgery

The surgery can also be done by a computer-assisted robotic system that enlarges a surgeon's aptitude to operate within the abdomen in a less aggressive way during laparoscopic surgery. This automated system allows greater precision and better visualization compared to standard laparoscopic surgery.

The operations with the automated system are performed with no direct mechanical connection between the surgeon and the patient. The surgeon is remote from the patient, operating a few feet from the operating table while seated at automated computer console with a three-dimensional view of the area under operation.

What are the advantages of this surgery?

• Less post-operative discomfort
• Quicker recovery times
• Earlier return to full activities
• Comparatively much reduced scars
• Shorter hospital stays

What are the expected results after laparoscopic obesity surgery?

Weight loss

The success rate for weight loss is reported as being slightly higher with gastric bypass operation than the gastroplasty or gastric banding, but all techniques show good to outstanding results. Most reports show a 40-50% loss of excess weight. The malabsorbtive procedures generally achieve an average body weight loss of 70-80% after a year. Weight loss generally continues for all the procedures for 18-24 months after surgery.

Effect of surgery on associated medical conditions

Weight reduction surgery has been reported to improve conditions such as sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Many patients report an improvement in mood and other aspects of psychosocial functioning after surgery. Because the laparoscopic methodology is performed in a similar manner to the open approach, the long-tern results appear to be similarly good.

Aastha Heath Care is clinic for laparoscopy surgery India. The surgeon who operate patients with his intelligent team. Patients are advised before any surgery. Visit Aasthahealthcare for your better life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shakira_Evon

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